If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at or Please refer to website (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Rameshon
Bsc (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, Loughborough University (1992-1994)
Results of my research - (Masters in Education from the University of Western Australia)
If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at or Please refer to website (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Rameshon
Bsc (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, Loughborough University (1992-1994)
Masters in Education (University of Western Australia, 2005-2008)
Results of my research - (Masters in Education from the University of Western Australia)
Masters in Education Research on Sports Participation
My research done in Singapore on Sports Participation on a college (Year 1 students) in the east in the year 2008 showed that it is important to intervene in engaging children in sports when they are very young. Helen Gilbey, a former lecturer from the then College of Physical Education found, from her study on Singapore children found that they only exercise continuously for 10mins against the continuous 20min-30mins which is expected. That means, they seem to be running around. However, the hear-rate monitor monitored showed that the activity is usually sporadic and not allowing the child to elevate to an exercising heart-rate.
When the child grows older, he or she will know how to independently take care of their own health if they exercise earlier. For this, a very active lifestyle when they are young is very important. A parent should take note that a very active child will end up as an active adult in the future. An active person will become less active. A less active person will become inactive. An inactive person will become inactive over a period of time. It is hence very unwise of an individual to say that they will get their studies done now and think about health later.
Problems that arrive from this is that the child will not have a good habit to exercise and by the force of habit his destiny will be determined. If one chooses to exercise, one will lead a fruitful life.
Due to inactivity, when one gets older he or she will have to manage a higher health care cost. This is detrimental for the individual who has to use the life savings and the government, which needs to fork out subsidies as well. Recent diseases are usually degenerative ones like diabetes, heart problems, cancer etc. This can be stopped voluntarily engaging one's child in sports.
Long-term effects of inactivity
Hence, there are ways to solve this problem. A parent can do the part to empower and enable a child by putting the child in a very active CCA. One doesn't only develop the skills of a leader but also have strength, stamina and suppleness in life.
Let us also see what exactly is meant by FITT by American College of Sports Medicine. FITT principle comes from one should keep fit to play a game. It is to show whether a person is fit or not.
American College of Sports Medicine Recommendation
Frequency - At least 5 times a day
Intensity - Elevating the heart-rate to 80 of Heart Rate (max)
Time - One should continue playing sports for at least 30mins.
Type - Type of sports. It should be vigorous like soccer, rugby, running, swimming etc.
Schools should ensure that these FITT principles are followed or else it will give a lot of headaches for the Health Minister to put aside a very big budget for health care in the long run. The price one has to pay for poor health is immense and it is unbearable. It is really a good idea to keep fit throughout one's life and it is an individual's, parents and government's responsibility to ensure that this will be a success. All must work hand in hand.
Active lifestyle should start while one is young, not old
By Narayanan
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at
Active lifestyle should start while one is young, not old
Needing assistance
Parents who want their child to excel in sport from the age of 8 to 14 years old can e-mail me if they need help in this
By Narayanan
Rameshon has taught in Hwa Chong Institution, plus several schools, and Republic Polytechnic as well. He has won many accolades and he was awarded Merit Award for 1991 marathon performance in breaking the national record of Singapore, at that time. He has made 22 male athletes do a marathon in sub-3hrs. He has made 7 female runners do sub-4 hours for the marathon, as well. He was inducted to the ‘Roll of Honour’ by the then College of Physical Education, organised by Singapore Olympic Academy, in 1998, for breaking the National record repeatedly 4 times, till he did 2hr 24min 22sec).
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at