If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at m.rameshon@gmail.com or swift.rameshon@gmail.com. Please refer to website http://flexifitness.com.sg (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Rameshon
Bsc (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, Loughborough University (1992-1994)
Masters in Education (University of Western Australia, 2005-2008)
Lin Run'er - Believes that running leads to healthy living.
Picture 1 - Lin Run'er, finishing her race in Great Eastern Run 2009.
I met Lin Run'er around the year 2006. She came to see the National Schools'cross-country race. I was at that time thinking why is this person here and I knew that she was teaching in Hwa Chong Institution (college). A few years later, I organised a course for teachers on running and I was surprised that a number of teachers turned up for it, including the Vice-Principal Mrs Chin Bee Kuan, although she came late for the course, after finishing her work.
Picture 2 - (Runners Left to Right) Vivien Tang and Lin Run'er in the North East Run 2010.
The course that I conducted was on designing a training program for those who want to start to take up running. Another group of teachers that I was targeting on was on those who train at least train 3 times per week. Finally, I explained on running theories and coming up with a program to those who train 5-6 days per week.
After the course, I was not sure whether Lin Run'er has taken any of my programs or not. However, I have noticed that she was all the way training quite seriously in running. I could see her dedication and commitment to running. Recently, I was impressed to see her improvement in her marathon timing, from 5 hours plus timing to sub-4 hours. It is inspiring to hear this and I thought that her passion for running could rub on to people by reading her interview.
With that, I would like to introduce to runners, Singaporeans and the world long-distance runners, on Lin Run'er.
An Interview With Lin Run'er
Can you tell us on the primary, sec, college and univ that you came from?
Primary School - Chongfu Primary, Secondary School - RGS, College - RJC, University - NUS
When did you take up running?
In Sec 4, I became slightly overweight and was conscripted for the TAF club; we were required to run 3 times a week in the morning in addition to PE lessons. I realised that contrary to the common perception of the TAF club being demeaning and humiliating for students, I didn't mind being part of the programme at all because I enjoyed running and I felt good after each session. After leaving secondary school, I would go running on my own once in a while.
When did you take up running as a passion, running more than usual?
On 1st Feb 2008, Mr Ram and Mr Daniel Ling conducted a running clinic for Hwa Chong Staff. I attended the clinic and what better way to get inspired than to speak to the top 2 winners of the Singapore Marathon 2007?. I realised that they were really extremely disciplined and committed to their cause, and from then on, I decided to be more consistent in my running. Of course, I don't aspire to win a marathon, but I felt that I ought to be more disciplined in whatever I chose to do because this discipline would spill over to other areas of my life too.
Can you give us the first marathon timing?
5:06 (2007)
Can you give us your personal best time for the marathon currently?
What were the factors that contributed to you to do this time?
What were the factors that contributed to you to do this time?
I found out that for my age group, 3:40hr is the qualifying standard for Boston Marathon so I decided to aim for it at the start of the year. I used to think that this was an 'impossible' timing to reach but now I realise that it was just me setting mental barriers for myself, which was unnecessary. Apart from that, the following are also important:
Consistency - I didn't do any 'special' workouts this time, just ran as often as time allowed, and as much as my legs could handle, and I was pleasantly surprised to see my marathon time improving just by running more.
Friends - Fortunately, I've found friends who are as crazy about running as I am; we share running ideas and encourage one another. When I signed up for my 1st half marathon in 2005, I was totally clueless and had no idea how to train for it and had nobody to look out for. Now, I look forward to meeting up with friends at every race and I no longer feel like the odd one out spending my weekends doing long runs.
Passion - It helps a lot that I really love running and I've never considered training a 'chore'. Exercising every day after work is almost becoming 2nd nature.
How long are you thinking of running as interest / passion?
How long are you thinking of running as interest / passion?
As long as I can!
How is your parental support?
Thankfully, my parents are extremely supportive. In fact, when I started running, they followed suit and now they go to the park to run before heading to the market every morning. They are usually more excited than me about my races and the moment I get home they'll ask me about my timing and position. If I don't win anything they'll tell me not to be disappointed (although I'm really not) and try again next time. Also, they're vegetarian and my mom cooks very healthy meals for the family, which keeps us healthy and helps me run better. Before every race, no matter the distance, she will make sure I get extra-large portions so that I'll have enough energy the next day.
What is your next goal in running?
My next goal is to get my somewhat-sedentary JC friends to start running; I'm halfway there - some of them have signed up for Sundown 10k and I will be running in that event too. Personally, I hope to improve on my 10k timing - it's a nice distance and it's a pity I could never run 'hard' enough during a 10k race, somehow I always finish a 10k race being surprised at the finish line appearing so soon and feeling like I could've continued for another few ks. Lastly, I hope to improve on my diet - way too much ice-cream and bubble tea, good for the soul but not so good for running!
Picture 3 - Lin Run'er in Newton 30km run
By Narayanan
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at swift.rameshon@gmail.com.
By Narayanan
Rameshon has taught in Hwa Chong Institution, plus several schools, and Republic Polytechnic as well. He has won many accolades and he was awarded Merit Award for 1991 marathon performance in breaking the national record of Singapore, at that time. He has made 22 male athletes do a marathon in sub-3hrs. He has made 7 female runners do sub-4 hours for the marathon, as well. He was inducted to the ‘Roll of Honour’ by the then College of Physical Education, organised by Singapore Olympic Academy, in 1998, for breaking the National record repeatedly 4 times, till he did 2hr 24min 22sec).
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at swift.rameshon@gmail.com.