If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at or Please refer to website (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Rameshon
Bsc (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, Loughborough University (1992-1994)
Masters in Education (University of Western Australia, 2005-2008)
Japa Yoga - Repetitive Thoughts used during meditation or verbally repeated with eyes open.
Picture 1 - Words on selfless reminds us of our true nature.
In sports psychology, we have heard about Japa. When I was in the then College of Physical Education I was taught on Japa. We were taught on how to use that one word to calm ourselves down. It was just told briefly during the lesson on this word.
Picture 2 - Thoughts of 'Calm' will bring calmness and serenity in us over time. A twenty minutes practice will help in this.
What is this word then, one may ask? When one wants to meditate on a word, like 'compassion', it is felt that one is actually doing Japa if there is repetition to this word verbally or mentally over and over again. There is this belief that if one concentrates on one word and keep repeating, one will take the attributes of that word. The word becomes thought and thought becomes action. Right thoughts lead to right action and wrong thoughts lead to wrong action.
It is told that a person usually has thoughts first before punching a person. Angry thoughts manifest before the action of punching the person takes place. Even when we give money for charity, somehow thoughts will arise first in the mind.
Words that form the thoughts in the mind are nothing but actually mere vibrations. A Tamilian will call water as 'Thanni', the Chinese will call this words as 'Swee', the Malay as 'Air', a Hindi speaking person calling this word as 'Pani' and multiple languages have a name of water. The sounds are different but it means the same object.
Picture 3 - The same water is called differently by different languages.
Hence, vibrations and words are actually the same. Similarly, languages may differ, however, the meaning is the same. By focusing on the word repetitively, there is this belief that one's mind will form that word. Hence, we have this phrase, 'You are what you think you are'.
If you think that you are a courageous person, a courageous person is what you will be. That is why matured people do not call children or people 'stupid' as this thought may rub onto the poor child's mind and he or she becomes stupid over time. That is why in the teaching profession the teachers are told to use alternative words which will sound positive to have a positive impact on the student.
Picture 4 - Thinking repetitively the positive words will bring about positive actions.

By Narayanan
Rameshon has taught in Hwa Chong Institution, plus several schools, and Republic Polytechnic as well. He has won many accolades and he was awarded Merit Award for 1991 marathon performance in breaking the national record of Singapore, at that time. He has made 22 male athletes do a marathon in sub-3hrs. He has made 7 female runners do sub-4 hours for the marathon, as well. He was inducted to the ‘Roll of Honour’ by the then College of Physical Education, organised by Singapore Olympic Academy, in 1998, for breaking the National record repeatedly 4 times, till he did 2hr 24min 22sec).
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at