If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at or Please refer to website (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Rameshon
Bsc (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, Loughborough University (1992-1994)
Masters in Education (University of Western Australia, 2005-2008)
Discussion On Breathing Technique Study Done In The Chinese High School (Part 2)
In the present study, at the start of the test, for factors such as energy level, anger, stress, calmness, fear, mental relaxation and feel-good factor, the mean scores were found to be 5.86, 3.29, 3.86, 4.86, 3.57, 4.57 and 6.14 consecutively. After 20 days, for the same factors such as energetic, anger, stress, calmness, fear, mental relaxation and feel-good factor, the mean scores were 8.14, 5.86, 6.29, 7.57, 6.14, 7.71 and 7.71 consecutively.
Components Past Present Improvement (Increase) %
Energy 5.86 8.14 22.8%
Mental 4.57 7.71 31.4%
Feel Good 6.14 7.71 15.7%
Calmness 4.86 7.57 27.1%
Table 2A: Shows the improvement (increase) of the components in subjects after 20 days.
Components Past Present Improvement (reduction) %
Fear 3.57 6.14 25.7%
Anger 3.29 5.86 25.7%
Stress 3.86 6.29 24.3%
Table 2A: Shows the improvement (reduction) of components in the subjects after 20 days.
In twenty days, the middle and long-distance athletes of The Chinese High School found that they had improved energy, mental relaxation, feeling of goodness and calmness by 22.8%, 31.4%, 15.7%, 27.1%, consecutively. There was also a reduction in fear, anger and stress by 25.7%, 25.7% and 24.3%, consecutively. This study also proves that when stress level reduced, fear and anger also reduce at the same time. Simultaneously, there is an improvement in energy level, mental relaxation, feeling good and the feeling of calmness.
This shows that there is a necessity to understand the cause of stress and how to counter this problem. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Foundation, Bangalore, in India, mentioned in his speech that "because of the unnatural stresses of modern life the rhythms of body, breath, thought, emotions and environment rarely are synchronized. This makes us more vulnerable to disease".
Hatha Yoga Pradipika states, "When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still".
In the modern world, people are facing tensions and stresses that are beyond their control. Either man worries about eh past or anxious about the future or gets stuck in negativity. Neither at home nor in school, have we been taught how to release negative emotions and to handle one's own mind.
Many people are turning to painkillers, sleeping pills, alcohol and so on in a vain attempt to cope (Cidell Rabionovitch &, Dorelli, 1983).
However, it is said that breathing techniques such as pranayama can release tension and negative emotions and help one to live in the present moment.
This state of the present moment is similar when we are absorbed in deep thinking. The process of breathing becomes slow. The suspension of mental activity increases in proportion to the slowness of breath.
However, the case is otherwise when the mind is afflicted by sorrow or anger, the breath becomes irregular and broken, the opposite of the slow, smooth flow of the breath when the mind is calm (Vishnu-devananda, 1988).
In a self-report given after 20 days by the subjects shows positive remarks given on the outcome of the twenty days breathing exercise practice.
By Narayanan
Rameshon has taught in Hwa Chong Institution, plus several schools, and Republic Polytechnic as well. He has won many accolades and he was awarded Merit Award for 1991 marathon performance in breaking the national record of Singapore, at that time. He has made 22 male athletes do a marathon in sub-3hrs. He has made 7 female runners do sub-4 hours for the marathon, as well. He was inducted to the ‘Roll of Honour’ by the then College of Physical Education, organised by Singapore Olympic Academy, in 1998, for breaking the National record repeatedly 4 times, till he did 2hr 24min 22sec).
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at