If you are keen and have queries, please contact Coach Rameshon at 9100 4369 or you can email him at m.rameshon@gmail.com or swift.rameshon@gmail.com. Please refer to website http://flexifitness.com.sg (for more information on him and his programmes)
By Marcel Sng
Picture 1 - Jonathan Rourke-All he wanted was to do just sub-40min ended in a big Personal Best time of 38min 44sec
all know that The Civil Service Club (CSC) race 'By the Bay Run' had taken place on 26th August 2012. Many people had taken part in this race. Flexifitness athlete Jonathan Rourke, 32, a British by the origin and a
banker by profession, ran the race as well. He is at present trained by
Coach Rameshon and joins the elite group of athletes for workout sessions for the past 3 months.
he had finished the race on 26th Aug, on the day itself, I tried my
level best to give him an interview and get the answers from him.
However, due to his work commitment, (the next day itself he was asked
to go overseas for his project), I was not able to interview him. As he
has already returned from his overseas assignment, I found that his
story will be inspirational for people who have set a short- term goal
and are able to achieve it and feel confident in themselves attaining
their long-term goal.
Rourke shares with us on a quick way to improve by practising some good values. Through his hard work and resourcefulness, he was able to avoid injury and keep training, Jonathan has improved his time from 40 min over to 38min 44sec in 10km. Let us hear from him through my question and answer session I had with him. I hope that this story will spur many to do a good time in future.
An Interview With Jonathan Rourke
Picture 2 - Jonathan Rourke, balancing his time for his son as well.
What was the race that you ran in called?
CSC Run By The Bay 2012
When did you take part in?
Sunday 26th August
How many races have you run in the past?
Over the last two years in Singapore, 3 or 4 around the 10km distance. Prior to that, back in London, I ran 1 or 2 10km races each year since 2001 and I also ran two half marathons back in 2005 and 2006.
What was your personal best time before this race?
40 mins and 30 seconds
Where was it held in the past? Can you share with us some details?
My previous personal best of 40:30 was in the UK in 2007, in a 10km race in Richmond Park. I have always ran a time around the 40 minute mark in all my UK 10km races, without ever breaking the 40-minute barrier. I trained regularly and always targeted sub-40 minutes, but it always proved slightly beyond me on race day. In Singapore, the conditions are much more difficult and my best here was 42 mins 10 seconds in the 2XU Compression run in April this year.
What was the timing that you were going for?
I was aiming for sub 40 minutes
Can you tell us the split times in relation to distance ran of your race if you had any recorded?
First 5km: 19:15 Second 5km: 19:29. I was a bit disappointed with my splits as I wanted to run the second half quicker than the first half (as coach Rameshon always tells me), but I went out a bit too quick over the first km.
Are you happy with the timing?
Yes, very happy, although I think if I had started at a slower pace I could perhaps have run quicker. Something to target for next time. Plus my wife will let me run more if I win some prizes – I came 5th and won S$100, so I can up my mileage a little now… A lot of credit for the improved time has to go to Coach Rameshon and the rest of the runners – especially Ashley, Taran, Galen, Shui Kun for welcoming an old(ish) man, great advice and giving me people to chase (from a distance…!)
How was the race organised?
Very well organised
Can you give us some suggestions which could lead to the improvement of the race?
As with a lot of the races in Singapore, I find it frustrating that the results of the top 10 are not published on the website after the event. Everyone likes to know the times that the very fastest runners are recording to give something to aim for.
What is your short-term goal and long-term goal?
The immediate goal is to run sub 1hr 30 minutes in the SAFRA 21km this Sunday, another milestone that I have previously been unable to break. After that, my short term goal is to maintain my current levels of fitness through to Christmas as I have a new baby due soon. The medium-long term, I want to stay injury-free and chip away at my 10km and half marathon times. A sub 37 minute 10km and sub 1hr 20 mins 10km would be fantastic and at some point, I would love to run a sub 3 hr marathon. But that’s a long way off, one step at a time as Coach Rameshon keeps telling me!
By Narayanan
Rameshon has taught in Hwa Chong Institution, plus several schools, and Republic Polytechnic as well. He has won many accolades and he was awarded Merit Award for 1991 marathon performance in breaking the national record of Singapore, at that time. He has made 22 male athletes do a marathon in sub-3hrs. He has made 7 female runners do sub-4 hours for the marathon, as well. He was inducted to the ‘Roll of Honour’ by the then College of Physical Education, organised by Singapore Olympic Academy, in 1998, for breaking the National record repeatedly 4 times, till he did 2hr 24min 22sec).
He also has a Coaching group and he trains them on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7pm at Botanic Gardens. Those interested can call him at 91004369 for coaching assistance, to improve performance. There is also personal training that he does for many in a week. You can e-mail him at swift.rameshon@gmail.com.